Busy here in Maine
Posted by Todd on Sep 24th 2020
Hello All, I have been trying to do this blog more often - but we have been so busy making weathervanes that I tend to forget to keep you all up on the news. These last few weeks we have been busy and I am so pleased that our customers have been very understanding on letting us get their new weathervanes made up and shipped out to them.
We are working on new designs, you should be able to view our new Large Beagle Weathervane now on our site, also our New Pineapple, which is a very 3D and we are pleased with the outcome. I love a shout out to our customer requests these past few weeks,but it has been a mixed request of odd things. Would have to say it is coming down to a River Otter as the number 1 request this month so far, well - I have been here 16 years now and never had a request for a river otter weathervane so this is a bit strange so not sure I wish to jump on the band wagon just yet on this one just yet.
We have done a big Labrador Weathervane but still working on getting the ears were I am happy with them. Right now they just do not have that look. Today - I am going to fight this issue and hopefully we will solve this Big Labrador Weathervane Issue so you can see him soon. Did more of an English Style Labrador Weathervane so hopefully you are all pleased.
Also for fun, did a couple of open end wrenches weathervane so we should have a nice little mechanics weathervane for you all to view soon.
So remember - Good Times and Enjoy today.