Chicken Pot Pie
Posted by Todd on Nov 17th 2020
Tuesday morning and here is a large hoot and howdy to all our super fans out in far off places.
Today I want to talk about Christmas, we have almost nothing in stock here and because of this, I want to shout out to everyone that if you have been eyeing a nice handmade weathervane – please note that they are not made and Not Sitting on a shelf in the back room. Your new weathervane is still in the 100-foot rolls of copper that are in waiting to be hammered and formed into your new weathervane by one of our amazing crew.
Really if you are wanting a weathervane made from us, feel free to plan for it. Also, before I forget, Patina can add an extra two days to the order. So please add the extra days in your planning for your new patina weathervane, also, remember that these are real copper weathervanes and will turn green on their own accord over time.
In other news I have been getting a few emails on custom weathervanes but still nothing that is jumping out at me so I wish for you all to keep these emails coming and maybe we can choose a few new designs to make this winter.
What I am looking for are fun weathervanes, something that will make you look twice. We have done the Jackalope, witches and mermaid weathervanes, but we need something new and great for this new year. 2020 has been such a drag having to wear these silly masks out and about, but I know I make my mask look good.
Well today I wish to advise all to smile through your eyes, turn off the news, and enjoy a root beer float and if your chicken pot pie is not burnt come dinner time, you know you are having a good day.